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The city's name derives from Latin "Fanum Fortunae" (city of Fortuna, due to the presence in the area of a temple dedicated to this goddess). Municipality in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, on the coast, not far from the mouth of the rivers Metauro and Arzilla, the oldest part of the town is located on an alluvial terrace, surrounded by urban areas of more recent construction. Due to its favorable location, at present it is an active center devoted to agriculture, fisheries, tourism, handicraft and industrial production.
Fano's origins remain unknown, the first quote upon the area dates back to the 49 B.C., when Julius Caesar occupied these territories, as well as those of Ancona and Pesaro. At the time of Augustus, the center assumed great importance and was structured according to the typical Roman urban scheme, still recognizable in some of the older parts. Even though surrounded by walls and watch towers, the Augustan colony was destroyed by the Goths. Rebuilt in the Middle Ages, the city became part of the Pentapoli under the control of Ravenna and in the VIII century it was ceded to the Papal States. Proclaimed municipality at the end of the X century, it was so strongly contended, that it was forced to create an alliance with the Serenissima Republic of Venice. This period was followed by another one characterized by clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines, that came to an end in 1357 with the submission to the Malatesta. From mid XVI century, Fano was favored by a period of peace, in which several religious buildings and the port-channel were constructed and subsequently there was a great cultural development.

- the Cathedral, founded before the XI century and destroyed by a fire, it was rebuilt in 1140. The façade has a splendid Romanesque portal, surmounted by a canopy. Inside is preserved a pulpit and the splendid chapel of Nolfi, in Romanesque style, dating from the XVII century and frescoed by the artist Domenichino;
- the Church of Santa Maria Nuova, with a XV century porch and XIV century portal, which both bear traces of an early medieval building and renovated in the XVIII century with Renaissance style decorations. Inside is preserved a Pieta by an unknown artist and two artworks by the Perugino;
- the Church of San Michele with its lodges in the Renaissance style. The church features a fine XVI century portal adorned with statues;
- the Church of San Domenico, originally built in the XIV century, was completely renovated in the XVIII century;
- the Church of St. Augustine, which is located on the ruins of a Roman building;
- the octagonal shaped Church of Sant'Antonio Abate;
- the Church of San Silvestro in Baroque style;
- the Church of San Pietro in Episcopio;
- the Church of San Pietro in Valle;
- Palazzo Malatesta, built in the XV-XVI century, consists of several buildings. One wing has a very large airy arched portico, supported by columns equipped with capitals. The upper loggia, entitled to the Sansovino, separated by elegant windows. It houses the City Museum and an Art Gallery with XIV century paintings, a XV century altarpiece of Giambono, a XVII century angel of the Guercino and a XVII century Annunciation by Reni;
- the Arch of Augustus, built of stone covered with travertine, was completed in 9 A.D. and was located at the entrance of the ancient decumano. Unfortunately the top part was demolished in 1463 during the siege of the troops of Federico da Montefeltro;
- the medieval Palazzo della Ragione, built in 1299 in stone and brick, taken from the ruins of the Paulutius. It presents a beautiful four-arched window;
- Palazzo Montevecchio in the late Baroque style is a magnificent XVIII century building;
- the Tower of Bartolelli, a remains of a medieval building, seriously damaged at the top;
- the XV century Malatesta Fortress with its crenellated walls and moat;
- Palazzo Martinozzi, built in the second half of the XVI century;
- the emains of the Augustan walls, interrupted by cylindrical watch towers;
- the XV century Casa of Arnolfi.


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