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Villa Bohème Positano


Positano Via C.Colombo 46, Posi­tano +39 089/​8123183 /mobile +39 339 687 9002 +39 089/​8123182 www.villabohemepositano.it


The Lux­ury Villa rentals is lo­cated in Posi­tano on the Amalfi Coast, in a quiet and pleas­ant lo­ca­tion in the city cen­ter, 85 steps down­hill from the main road.

The breath­tak­ing view on Posi­tano, the Amalfi Coast's mul­ti­col­ored sun­sets , the beauty of the lo­cal plants that adorn the gar­dens are the in­gre­di­ents for the per­fect time­less hol­i­day.

The his­tory of Villa Bo­heme in Posi­tano be­gins in the fifties, when a Finnish no­ble woman de­cided to move into the ro­man­tic and pic­turesque south­ern Italy.
Trav­el­ling along the Amalfi Coast to find a Lux­ury Villa, look­ing for her ideal place to set­tle down, she dis­cov­ered the vil­lage of Posi­tano and fell in love.
Fas­ci­nated by the beauty of the land­scape, the sun and the warmth of the lo­cals, she be­gan to build her villa in Posi­tano nes­tled into the rock over­look­ing the sea.

As she was a lover of opera and es­pe­cially Puc­cini's work, called her new home "La Bo­hème".

To­day, the Lux­ury Villa rentals, owned by the Russo fam­ily, finely re­stored and fur­nished in mem­ory of its fas­ci­nat­ing his­tory, has be­come "Villa Bo­hème", an en­clu­sive Villa rental on the Amalfi Coast in Posi­tano, which in ad­di­tion to the main house, has three beau­ti­ful suites.


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